SPHAIR Teilnehmende auf dem Flugplatz Bern-Belp während ihrem Pilotenpraktikum

Erfahrungsbericht aus Bern (Experienced Kurs 2-1-24)

Lese hier wie es Teilnehmenden des Experienced Kurs während ihrem Pilotenpraktikum in Bern ergangen ist (ENGLISH)!

Two weeks ago, our exciting adventure began: an intensive flight course designed to assess our suitability as future military and airline pilots. Together with five other candidates, I faced this challenge. Our first meeting point was on Sunday afternoon at the office of alpaviation, where we got to know the flight instructors and explored the buildings and aircraft that would accompany us on our journey.

Monday started intensively: We learned how to properly prepare the aircraft and received a solid theoretical introduction. In the afternoon, we had our first flight – a breathtaking moment that captivated all of us.

From Tuesday to Friday, we followed a strict program: Every evening, we prepared theoretically for the next day's flight. Saturday and Sunday were for rest – a welcome break to process the intense impressions and gather strength for the second week.

On Sunday evening, we checked back in, ready for the next round. The program from Monday to Wednesday was similar to the first week. However, on Tuesday, we had a special guest: the P&S FI introduced himself. In personal conversations, we also had the opportunity to introduce ourselves and ask questions, which was a valuable opportunity for all of us.

Thursday was the highlight of the course: the check flight with the P&S FI. Each of us demonstrated what we had learned over the past days. It was an intense but incredibly rewarding experience.

During these two weeks, we developed a great camaraderie and experienced breathtaking moments. The excellent teamwork and mutual support significantly contributed to our success. We not only learned a lot about flying but also valuable life lessons. New friendships were formed, and unforgettable moments were created.

This flight course was more than just an assessment – it was a formative time full of challenges, growth, and community. We look back on these two weeks with pride and joy and are grateful for the experiences and insights we gained.

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